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>Who is Andrew Ayala?
Andrew Ayala is a leader, artist, game maker and musician.

Andrew has written seven books which include:
Project Lifeguard
Storm Maze
How To Eat Candy
Fruit Punch
Minarchy Tabletop Role-Playing Game
Cloud JR: First Flight
Cloud JR: Good Times

When not creating fictional books, Andrew is frequently found advocating for the overthrow of the United States Federal Government, the peaceful balkanization of America and the freedom California should enjoy as a country instead of a state which is continually slave driven by the US Federal Government.

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I really need to replay Banjo-Kazooie again

I never did beat Rusty Bucket Bay as a kid


I spent a few hours preaching on Counter Strike and I would say that the feedback was generally positive and a lot of people agree with what I have to say

I'm going to go rake the dirt in the frontyard in a zen like fashion now that it's rototilled and soft.


Taco Bell for dinner

They brought back double deckers for a limited time :D




Holy shit
TRB3 just flew over my house LEL
Ran to get my phone and caught a glimpse of it as it was flying away





wonder where his creator has gone


he ded son


Is this board for e-celebs?
Can I have a general for myself?


fuck yeah homie see who turns up with your lore brothersistermotherfather friend family for life


May time smile upon you

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