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R: 6 / I: 1

How likely am I to move around or scream on DMT?

I want to smoke DMT but am afraid of the possibility of either A) screaming or B) moving around and ending up somewhere far from where I started when I first hit it. On shrooms I can't stop moving around no matter what I always end up outside and on really high dose like 8 grams I do echolalia and I scream. How big of a concern are my fears that DMT will just be like shrooms on steroids and I'll find myself 20 minutes later in the middle of traffic having been screaming random nonsense?
R: 0 / I: 0

working out on dxm

hear me out on this… felt more appropriate to post the theory here

i didnt feel pain and could life 80 instead of 70. then i would hold the legmachine in half through rep then do lke 400 reps nonstop and then wait 5 mins and do again and then walk 5-7 hours practicing karate moves i love legday idc how much it hurts and dxm is a cheatcode
R: 18 / I: 4

Newfag to shrooms

I can't eat or drink most other things because of various health problems, but shrooms seem to have no ill effects. I took about 0.92 grams this weekend. Took about 45-60 mins to kick in and lasted about 3 hours after that. First I noticed my heartrate speed up, but this quickly either subsided or became unnoticeable. Then I started seeing afterimages from motion. Cool as hell. I could see rainbows and strange things in the periphery of my vision, and when I close my eyes. My visual imagination also became more vivid and clear. Got all giggly. After a while, I became of aware of the strange sensation that everything experienced with my senses was somewhat new. The senses of sight/color, and touch particularly almost felt like I was experiencing those things for the first time. I also noticed that reality had a bit of chromatic abberation. Overall it was really NICE. I hope to try a larger dose soon.