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I want to smoke DMT but am afraid of the possibility of either A) screaming or B) moving around and ending up somewhere far from where I started when I first hit it. On shrooms I can't stop moving around no matter what I always end up outside and on really high dose like 8 grams I do echolalia and I scream. How big of a concern are my fears that DMT will just be like shrooms on steroids and I'll find myself 20 minutes later in the middle of traffic having been screaming random nonsense?
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dw man everyone reacts to it differently


I'm similar on hero doses of shrooms, on DMT, I just law there silently.


That is comforting to know.


if Joe Rogan can do an entire ass podcast on it, you can have the world anon ♥


hear me out on this… felt more appropriate to post the theory here

i didnt feel pain and could life 80 instead of 70. then i would hold the legmachine in half through rep then do lke 400 reps nonstop and then wait 5 mins and do again and then walk 5-7 hours practicing karate moves i love legday idc how much it hurts and dxm is a cheatcode


I can't eat or drink most other things because of various health problems, but shrooms seem to have no ill effects. I took about 0.92 grams this weekend. Took about 45-60 mins to kick in and lasted about 3 hours after that. First I noticed my heartrate speed up, but this quickly either subsided or became unnoticeable. Then I started seeing afterimages from motion. Cool as hell. I could see rainbows and strange things in the periphery of my vision, and when I close my eyes. My visual imagination also became more vivid and clear. Got all giggly. After a while, I became of aware of the strange sensation that everything experienced with my senses was somewhat new. The senses of sight/color, and touch particularly almost felt like I was experiencing those things for the first time. I also noticed that reality had a bit of chromatic abberation. Overall it was really NICE. I hope to try a larger dose soon.
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I can't stay inside a building and I definitely don't want to watch a television when tripping on shrooms. I can just look at a wall and see cartoons playing on the wall. Why would you waste a trip watching television when you could instead be programming yourself and also watching things with your mind? At higher doses I can do psychic abilities too like clairvoyance and telepathy and so on all with greater ease than when not on shrooms.


For me I have increasing sensitivity and have to take less and less but it's because I take tons of nootropics and do energy work and meditation and reprogramming and lemon tek and so on. If you're smart about it you'll become smarter and some aspects of the shroom experience will become permanent modes of perception.


>Your request looks automated; Post discarded.
This keeps happening. I think I might be a robot.

>At higher doses I can do psychic abilities too like clairvoyance and telepathy and so on all with greater ease than when not on shrooms.
I don't believe in spirituality. I'm a square, which is why I buy legal stuff from a store. But I do believe in having cool as fuck hallucinations, whether they're pretty and chill or terrifying and metal. Metalocalypse might give me some metal hallucinations.


Flood filters are a bit more strict because no captcha


No I'm definitely a robot. Who the fuck waits for psychedelics to be legal before doing them? I can't be human.

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