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I'm your overboard boardlist. You can put here anything and I reside in templates/boardlist.html



>Who is Andrew Ayala?
Andrew Ayala is a leader, artist, game maker and musician.

Andrew has written seven books which include:
Project Lifeguard
Storm Maze
How To Eat Candy
Fruit Punch
Minarchy Tabletop Role-Playing Game
Cloud JR: First Flight
Cloud JR: Good Times

When not creating fictional books, Andrew is frequently found advocating for the overthrow of the United States Federal Government, the peaceful balkanization of America and the freedom California should enjoy as a country instead of a state which is continually slave driven by the US Federal Government.

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 No. 11Quick Reply

I still can't get over the fact that the tow truck driver guessed I was 23 when I'm 33 lel

 No. 13Quick Reply

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I will be preaching anti-US government sentiments in CS2 casual lobbies on the corner of DUST and OFFICE this afternoon after I finish reading the Quantum Bigfoot

 No. 14Quick Reply

Note to self: Remember to add a line in the biography where I mention having spent 2013 through mid 2016 crossing Grandy Purple and Larry OG to create Grandpa Larry with Poptart Phil (my cousin)

 No. 15Quick Reply

That went well.
Now I shall enjoy dinner with my wife and then jack off to Jasmine Summers while my wife watches

 No. 16Quick Reply



your css is busted as shit but A for effort, rebuild from wakaba and we're getting somewhere

why the fuck can't i use my tripcode WHATEVER
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 No. 56Quick Reply

>if you do well here I see no reason for you to not handle things at the original stomping grounds if I'm able to bring 420chan back online as it was, I don't have time at present to run an imageboard and frankly my mental health needed it to be ripped away

ahh rip does hotwheels still have ownership of the 420chan domain?

 No. 57Quick Reply

yeah but he's waiting for me to take it back off his hands

 No. 58Quick Reply


 No. 59Quick Reply

daayum i was one of the people who was gonna revive 420chan.org but he just booted me out the team and he started working with a furry cho0b what ever his name was sadly they didn't come far they were using lynxchan as there testing ground which i told them not to use lynxchan i offered them some help but he is a massive dick

 No. 60Quick Reply

kirt, you fucking autist, release the fucking source code or give it to the cripple and tell him to release it for fuck's sake



Post images and a little explanation of whatever it is that you're using to get high.

Pipe made with a little plastic bottle and a small bowl taken from a crappy chinese bong; the chamber fills up real nice. You won't be giving any massive hits, but you'll be satisfied, trust me.

Easy to clean, easy to hide, and extremely likely to produce alzheimer down the line.

I want to buy a proper glass piece, but me live on a third world country, so yeah, maybe next year.
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 No. 28Quick Reply

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no link because NOI SOURCES ALLOWED

but anyway it came in a metal tin not a plastic shell like in the eg pic.
all metal, magnets in the center, the hole is slightly smaller and it has the screw on top for no spill the powdered weed from stim spinning that grinder

 No. 29Quick Reply


I've never used a grinder. Unluckily, i have to grind my weed either with my hands or scissors, which makes it harder to smoke whenever i need to do so.

Hopefully, one day i'll be able to afford one

 No. 31Quick Reply

the smoke shop guy said $8.99 by card or $5 in case so ofc i gave him the $5 i got as a tip on my shift earlier

 No. 32Quick Reply

also i never inhaled all the bowl into my mouth with the screen. the residue makes it stick. replaced like once a month after cleaning the pipe

 No. 42Quick Reply

>Me live in Argentina so no Jungle whatsoever
Not related at all, but… do you have a medical cannabis card, anon? I'm thinking of getting one to hold on the street after buying without worries



What happened to 420chan and why was this site made? I've been there once maybe a few years back, but I only just started taking shrooms from legal sources.
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 No. 19Quick Reply

i hate politics how much do we gotta bribe them to have it redirect here

 No. 26Quick Reply

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you spit on his memory with that bad shop


 No. 27Quick Reply

but that's not shopped

 No. 29Quick Reply

i have bread saltier than he is. horse hockey is against teh rules.

 No. 53Quick Reply

apologies for cringe: if you want to see what transpired watch The Antisocial Network on Netflix, it covers what happened in the late parts

basically 420chan went into purgatory following a federal raid on my apartment for assorted 'alleged' cybercrimes, the servers are in the hands of the FBI



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 No. 154Quick Reply




rhoda wuz here

 No. 35Quick Reply

 No. 38Quick Reply


 No. 39Quick Reply

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watchsite like synchtube or whatere cytube or just link buttock's stanktube



greetings /meta/ i would like to make a new logo for the frontpage but i am not creative enough to do that if anyone is able to make a logo for the frontpage i appreciate it alot feel free to post on this thread to contribute thank you all contributers!

 No. 32Quick Reply

Angry janitor here. Lwt's keep it the same just slap a nice font and colored 2014 on it

 No. 33Quick Reply

2024* on it

 No. 34Quick Reply

Take it slow, godfather nesshy, the peo0le will come when they're ready, any horsehawk/i/eeee shit is for burner discords and free vpns. Dont sjit where you eat.

Love, the ebowler crew emperor rhoda

 No. 36Quick Reply

N-n-no context griefing, it really is you….



I want to smoke DMT but am afraid of the possibility of either A) screaming or B) moving around and ending up somewhere far from where I started when I first hit it. On shrooms I can't stop moving around no matter what I always end up outside and on really high dose like 8 grams I do echolalia and I scream. How big of a concern are my fears that DMT will just be like shrooms on steroids and I'll find myself 20 minutes later in the middle of traffic having been screaming random nonsense?

 No. 2Quick Reply

You're going to get psychosis

 No. 3Quick Reply


 No. 4Quick Reply

dw man everyone reacts to it differently

 No. 18Quick Reply

I'm similar on hero doses of shrooms, on DMT, I just law there silently.



I can't eat or drink most other things because of various health problems, but shrooms seem to have no ill effects. I took about 0.92 grams this weekend. Took about 45-60 mins to kick in and lasted about 3 hours after that. First I noticed my heartrate speed up, but this quickly either subsided or became unnoticeable. Then I started seeing afterimages from motion. Cool as hell. I could see rainbows and strange things in the periphery of my vision, and when I close my eyes. My visual imagination also became more vivid and clear. Got all giggly. After a while, I became of aware of the strange sensation that everything experienced with my senses was somewhat new. The senses of sight/color, and touch particularly almost felt like I was experiencing those things for the first time. I also noticed that reality had a bit of chromatic abberation. Overall it was really NICE. I hope to try a larger dose soon.
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 No. 13Quick Reply

yeah but your brain will have a 30 second ping lag to your mouth. people can tell.

 No. 14Quick Reply

I already had that. So I'm good.

 No. 15Quick Reply

a cultured veteran. forgive my smartass tone im high

 No. 16Quick Reply

Not a veteran. Just autistic.

 No. 17Quick Reply

Hell, same. Cheers homeskiller



Just reminding everyone that 420chan /mod/ C-higgy who posted bad food on the food board and has never watched The Wire is a cop.

 No. 72Quick Reply


 No. 73Quick Reply

well good thing he isn't a mod here.

 No. 152Quick Reply

yeah but has he watched the wire?



If you are reading this take a bong hit
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 No. 22Quick Reply

ass n' titties:

 No. 23Quick Reply


 No. 24Quick Reply


 No. 39Quick Reply

Don't have a bong so I took a pipe hit

 No. 41Quick Reply



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 No. 2Quick Reply


 No. 3Quick Reply

>meet a neighbor in my apartment complex because i offered to hold 2 doors open for him while he transported party stuff for a baby shower

>says to knock on his door at 7:30

>ring the bell once
>muffled "that's him"
>30 seconds later door opens
>hands me a blue solo cup that has some dank nugs inside
>tells me to give him like 10 minutes while he gets ready to take his pregnant gf/wife i didnt ask to another party
load up my n64 to feed through obs and have smash lvl9 pikachus fighting for 5 minutes
>doorbell rings
>he comes in, sits down. Carl is curious but doesnt tough too much
>ask about allergies that could be deadly if anyone he is coming into contact to prevent anything bad from goin down
>naw its all good man he didnt leave traces on me
>talk about blockbuster and old movies like trading places and coming to america and ass to ass requiem for a dream
>he never seen requiem for a dream. tell him tanks for the nugs "im gonna smoke one for you tonight"
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 No. 30Quick Reply

i always am but im not gonna spam about it lol

 No. 38Quick Reply


 No. 40Quick Reply





bump when high
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 No. 122Quick Reply

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This shit got me faded. Finally found a good plug

 No. 125Quick Reply

I miss stormy
He was always nice to me

 No. 126Quick Reply

the twatter war is over. i won. tactical nuke tzar bombas deplo/i/d
im gonna go to the bar logged out of twitter because i dont need it anymore. its over. i won. nowi i can go back to making that next police ypt. love you guys welcome home!

 No. 128Quick Reply

gz man toked one for ya

 No. 151Quick Reply




any other trans girls on here? Hope everything is going ok for you.

 No. 7Quick Reply

Also holy fuck am I horny for other trans girls this morning, I just want rub my gock against another trans girls gock.

 No. 8Quick Reply

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im not a tg but im sending good vibes to y'all anyway

 No. 9Quick Reply


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