Cannabis Discussion

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>meet a neighbor in my apartment complex because i offered to hold 2 doors open for him while he transported party stuff for a baby shower

>says to knock on his door at 7:30

>ring the bell once
>muffled "that's him"
>30 seconds later door opens
>hands me a blue solo cup that has some dank nugs inside
>tells me to give him like 10 minutes while he gets ready to take his pregnant gf/wife i didnt ask to another party
load up my n64 to feed through obs and have smash lvl9 pikachus fighting for 5 minutes
>doorbell rings
>he comes in, sits down. Carl is curious but doesnt tough too much
>ask about allergies that could be deadly if anyone he is coming into contact to prevent anything bad from goin down
>naw its all good man he didnt leave traces on me
>talk about blockbuster and old movies like trading places and coming to america and ass to ass requiem for a dream
>he never seen requiem for a dream. tell him tanks for the nugs "im gonna smoke one for you tonight"
>an hour later, do exactly that.
>get home
>wash the scent off
>sit in my chair with Carl on my lap and my feet up on desk.
>clickin around youtube
>pass out

i had 3 hours of sleep that day and left work because meds gone too storng that day


i always am but im not gonna spam about it lol






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