Cannabis Discussion

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Post images and a little explanation of whatever it is that you're using to get high.

Pipe made with a little plastic bottle and a small bowl taken from a crappy chinese bong; the chamber fills up real nice. You won't be giving any massive hits, but you'll be satisfied, trust me.

Easy to clean, easy to hide, and extremely likely to produce alzheimer down the line.

I want to buy a proper glass piece, but me live on a third world country, so yeah, maybe next year.


>Pipe made with a little plastic bottle and a small bowl taken from a crappy chinese bong
holy shit you are a genius i haven't thought about that before…



In the past I've tried to do water pipes that pass the smoke through a little chamber filled with water, but they usually end up being one of two things; extremely big, or extremely ugly.

I don't have anything that i can use to make them practical, but the day will come


Big dubstep tune just because


1 pound pipe i got at the smokeshop week after i got here. dude showed me a chillum first and i was like "gimme something with a bowl". i haven't walked back in since.



Is the smoke nasty? That thing looks raw as fuck.

Also, how much did it cost


1 pound mate. I'm american but in UK right now.
it smokes fine should probably clean it but i got nothing long enough to go up there. no idea where to get q tips



>I'm american but in UK right now.

I always wanted to go to london to attend partys and what not.

Jungle was born there, and i love it.

And yes, clean the pipe!!1!


uk sounds cool but they have a ton of laws like every other place well fuck idk what i am talken about but london sounds cool i would like to visit there someday


i'm still looking for some good jungle over here. im in scotland and the scene is meh but i've been to a dnb show. reggae/soul seems to have a foothold here and its sick. went to a show with some real rastafarians and they had floor to ceiling bass speakers just playing jams. hard to go to shows on an extreme budget tho
no one here cares if you smoke. i see and smell it all the time. buying weed is pretty robust over here but it's like 40 bucks for an eighth. i've been going through crumb by crumb, hence the small bowl.






>i'm still looking for some good jungle over here.

Me live in Argentina so no Jungle whatsoever; only modern Drum n Bass on a few clubs. I've never been to one though, since they usually are on the center of the city, which is way too far for me to go alone at night. (I've got no car)

Buenos Aires at night is a reaaally dangerous place.

A friend of mine got his shit stolen whilst being inside of his university, at, like, 1:30 PM.


buenos aires has a scene if you know where to look. i don't know specifics but i got old producer friends down there and they do shows sometimes.



Do any of your friends have social media profiles or venues that they like to frequent? I would love to dance to some wicked jungle PLEASEEE


unfortunately dude hasn't tagged anything but ill ask and if he responds ill post here


toking bud in a crackpipe



Thanks anon, if you don't get a response do tell me as well, please.


it's nothing special just a cheap metal pipe with screens and a shitty grinder i gotta grip with pliars or i get blisters on my hand



How does the pipe smoke? Last time i used one made out of metal, my mouth got full of ash in no time.

>shitty grinder i gotta grip with pliars or i get blisters on my hand

Show a picture would you?? What kind of grinder do you have?


the screens came with it. like 1 in there and 3 in a pack you can slip under the plastic mold. too stight spaced to store a bag of grounded weed no matter how fine in there so i use air tight cookie containers that are salim and tall. holds everything, pocket knife, lighter, weed, paper clips, lighters, etc. little tiny smaple tobacco vapes to hold and hide the smell. soap, locean, hand sanatizer, i usually have a backpack with notebooks and peanuts and water a and a park lunchi its nice.

unrelated: i wanna grind up all the free weed i keep getting from trading food that was gonna get thrown out at the mall and grind it all putting it in a pill bottle converted to be like a salt shaker or something


File: 1728918565541.png (766.45 KB, 1212x508, fuckballs.png)ImgOps Google Yandex

no link because NOI SOURCES ALLOWED

but anyway it came in a metal tin not a plastic shell like in the eg pic.
all metal, magnets in the center, the hole is slightly smaller and it has the screw on top for no spill the powdered weed from stim spinning that grinder



I've never used a grinder. Unluckily, i have to grind my weed either with my hands or scissors, which makes it harder to smoke whenever i need to do so.

Hopefully, one day i'll be able to afford one


the smoke shop guy said $8.99 by card or $5 in case so ofc i gave him the $5 i got as a tip on my shift earlier


also i never inhaled all the bowl into my mouth with the screen. the residue makes it stick. replaced like once a month after cleaning the pipe


>Me live in Argentina so no Jungle whatsoever
Not related at all, but… do you have a medical cannabis card, anon? I'm thinking of getting one to hold on the street after buying without worries


I'm from chile and I have a medical card, but police still can raid my house if they want and destroy all the plants, lights, etc, but in the court the card can set me free, some weird laws here.



>do you have a medical cannabis card

I dont have a card,but, from what I've heard, laws with the new government make it somewhat dangerous to carry weed, even if you have a certificate that proves that you use it for medical purposes.

I usually just buy weed from a friend of mine that goes to the same university as I do and put it on my backpack.

I'm white so the chances of police arresting me if they see me smoking are rather low. Be careful out there anon

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