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Catalog (/drunk/)

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(Bump while drunk (BWD)

>3 hours of sleep
>cant remember wtf the food items are and have to ask 3 times like im on dph or some sjit. Wtf
>convince manager to clock me out
>go next door and get 3 shots of vodka

>mall restraunt right by the parking lot
>line out the door.
>customers up the ass and around the corner
>weed psychosis treatment: with antipsychotic zyprexa 1.25mg and trileptol 300mg
>feel like im retahhded stoopid.
>cannot into the asleep because 3 light roast coffee back to back before work.
>told managers would rather clock out then fuck shit up getti g like 900 refunds for wrong orders.
>got the fuck out

Feelin smashed because of my blood flow from the coffee combi ed with the alcohol and my empty stomach

Bump while drunk
>mr layhey i keep trying to talk to you but you keep saying rand-
>mr layhey: RANDY…
R: 4 / I: 2