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Cannabis Discussion

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once I thought that god is real and speaks nonstop through causility itself, I remember saying "holy shit god is a chatterbox and nobody listens" over and over

it was shrooms btw


aw shit wrong board, mods can u move this shit to the psychs board please ;w;


i tought people how to prank call people in a vrtual phone on dxm

also im just a janitor op


Is CBD superior to traditional weed?


No but it's underrated. Weed is way better if you get a high CBD strain or take a squirt of CBD oil under your tongue first.


Post images and a little explanation of whatever it is that you're using to get high.

Pipe made with a little plastic bottle and a small bowl taken from a crappy chinese bong; the chamber fills up real nice. You won't be giving any massive hits, but you'll be satisfied, trust me.

Easy to clean, easy to hide, and extremely likely to produce alzheimer down the line.

I want to buy a proper glass piece, but me live on a third world country, so yeah, maybe next year.
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the smoke shop guy said $8.99 by card or $5 in case so ofc i gave him the $5 i got as a tip on my shift earlier


also i never inhaled all the bowl into my mouth with the screen. the residue makes it stick. replaced like once a month after cleaning the pipe


>Me live in Argentina so no Jungle whatsoever
Not related at all, but… do you have a medical cannabis card, anon? I'm thinking of getting one to hold on the street after buying without worries


I'm from chile and I have a medical card, but police still can raid my house if they want and destroy all the plants, lights, etc, but in the court the card can set me free, some weird laws here.



>do you have a medical cannabis card

I dont have a card,but, from what I've heard, laws with the new government make it somewhat dangerous to carry weed, even if you have a certificate that proves that you use it for medical purposes.

I usually just buy weed from a friend of mine that goes to the same university as I do and put it on my backpack.

I'm white so the chances of police arresting me if they see me smoking are rather low. Be careful out there anon


If you are reading this take a bong hit
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ass n' titties:






Don't have a bong so I took a pipe hit



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>meet a neighbor in my apartment complex because i offered to hold 2 doors open for him while he transported party stuff for a baby shower

>says to knock on his door at 7:30

>ring the bell once
>muffled "that's him"
>30 seconds later door opens
>hands me a blue solo cup that has some dank nugs inside
>tells me to give him like 10 minutes while he gets ready to take his pregnant gf/wife i didnt ask to another party
load up my n64 to feed through obs and have smash lvl9 pikachus fighting for 5 minutes
>doorbell rings
>he comes in, sits down. Carl is curious but doesnt tough too much
>ask about allergies that could be deadly if anyone he is coming into contact to prevent anything bad from goin down
>naw its all good man he didnt leave traces on me
>talk about blockbuster and old movies like trading places and coming to america and ass to ass requiem for a dream
>he never seen requiem for a dream. tell him tanks for the nugs "im gonna smoke one for you tonight"
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i always am but im not gonna spam about it lol







angry janitore from scrubs is here to keep you safe.


hey shoutout to the OGS living like ballers in the discords. esp that gorilla

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