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>Who is Andrew Ayala?
Andrew Ayala is a leader, artist, game maker and musician.

Andrew has written seven books which include:
Project Lifeguard
Storm Maze
How To Eat Candy
Fruit Punch
Minarchy Tabletop Role-Playing Game
Cloud JR: First Flight
Cloud JR: Good Times

When not creating fictional books, Andrew is frequently found advocating for the overthrow of the United States Federal Government, the peaceful balkanization of America and the freedom California should enjoy as a country instead of a state which is continually slave driven by the US Federal Government.



Andrew has been banned off of YouTube 9 times as is currently on his 10th account (which he claims is his final, final account).

Andrew has ran two podcasts in the past which include:
Cloud Sprout: Spotlight
Cloud Sprout: Happy Hour

During these episodes Andrew has interviewed a variety of internet celebrities including but not limited to:
Dan "The Saint of Stevia" Quinn (who would later go on to train Andrew in boxing)
Wayne Lambright
PhleBuster from 100% Orange Juice
Evan from RetroMMO
Shawn from Everquest
The Mayor of PokeMMO
Logg from RuneScape Archive
Jon from Fishtank Season 1

Andrew was ordained by God Himself on April 10th, 2024 when he drove his red 1991 C4 corvette on top of Bliss Hill in Sonoma, CA (The Green Hills Windows XP wallpaper) - becoming the first to do so in human history.

Andrew is married but believes the bible permits polygamist marriages where one man can have many wives but a wife can only have one husband - hide your sister.
Andrew is a cult leader.
Andrew is frequently framed and accused of things he did not do but internet trolls who stem from Sam Hyde's MDE-sphere, /wowcg/ on /vg/ and /tg/'s discord based RPG groups.

Andrew challenged Sam Hyde to a boxing match (face to face) by calling Sam a "TRT abusing coward" thrice times over.
Yet Sam refused the boxing match by trying to start a street fight - Andrew was armed with dagger but didn't give in and remained true to his Chaotic Good alignment.


Andrew is an INFJ.
Andrew has an IQ of 139.
Andrew has been frequently heard stating, "I'm the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler but I don't believe in reincarnation. So. Do with that what you will."
Andrew has HFA with an obsessive personality type focused around destroying the United States Federal Government, Setting California Free or making sweet, sweet lovin' to Ariana Grande.
Andrew's 7th great grandfather was at the Boston Tea Party dressed like a Native American throwing tea into the Boston Harbor.
Andrew's 4th great grandfather was in the Iron Brigade of Wisconsin during the 1st American Civil War.
Andrew's great grandfather was a welding instructor for the US Pacific Fleet during World War 2.
Andrew's family on his father's side were the first Europeans to enter into the San Francisco Bay Area in 1775 when they landed at Angel Island and had the name of the cove named after themselves - "Ayala Cove".


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Hey Nonnie

I don't really think this board is for actual people, or even really V-tubers.

More of a place to post ___-tan art, such as TCC-tan

I hope this clears things up!


Blease, I've been excommunicated from everywhere
Let me call this home


/nc/ is home now



I still can't get over the fact that the tow truck driver guessed I was 23 when I'm 33 lel


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I will be preaching anti-US government sentiments in CS2 casual lobbies on the corner of DUST and OFFICE this afternoon after I finish reading the Quantum Bigfoot


Note to self: Remember to add a line in the biography where I mention having spent 2013 through mid 2016 crossing Grandy Purple and Larry OG to create Grandpa Larry with Poptart Phil (my cousin)


That went well.
Now I shall enjoy dinner with my wife and then jack off to Jasmine Summers while my wife watches



I can't sleep


How do you turn this on



And now I shall workout (upper body day)
And then travel across the mountains to visit my grandmother


That was a good workout.
I think early morning joggers saw me through my office window doing Dumbbell Shoulder Presses, I had my window open and could hear them talking.
I looked up at them and they stopped talking.
And then the same car drove past three times going slow, also probably watching me through my office window.

I wonder if they could hear the "Devil's Trill" in G Minor by Guiseppe Tartini playing.

They were probably feds.
I fucking hate the United States Federal Government.

Time for a protein shake :D


I've had enough of YouTube and troll brigades always trying to get me banned
I'm going to make a goodbye YouTube video later today after 18 years of being on the platform across 10 accounts

YouTube doesn't value free speech
Very few places today do

Counter Strike casual lobbies are the freest of free speech zones you can find in the west
If someone doesn't like what you have to say, they can simply mute you

ESRB online interactions aren't rated
I have the 1st amendment
I have a CAD U37

I will not be silenced in this life by anyone except God Himself



Oh shit.
First blank post on stonerchan?




Am back from visiting my grandma


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I watched Mr. Deeds with my wife, I forgot about the part at the end where everyone gets a red C5 corvette
I think I might be too tired to pay Columbian women on CamSoda to choke themselves with BTC

Going to have my wife jerk me off while I watch porn

Sleep tight /nc/
Sweet dreams


I have rototilled the frontyard and will now begin sowing clovers.





I really need to replay Banjo-Kazooie again

I never did beat Rusty Bucket Bay as a kid


I spent a few hours preaching on Counter Strike and I would say that the feedback was generally positive and a lot of people agree with what I have to say

I'm going to go rake the dirt in the frontyard in a zen like fashion now that it's rototilled and soft.


Taco Bell for dinner

They brought back double deckers for a limited time :D




Holy shit
TRB3 just flew over my house LEL
Ran to get my phone and caught a glimpse of it as it was flying away


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