Psychedelic Discussion

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I want to smoke DMT but am afraid of the possibility of either A) screaming or B) moving around and ending up somewhere far from where I started when I first hit it. On shrooms I can't stop moving around no matter what I always end up outside and on really high dose like 8 grams I do echolalia and I scream. How big of a concern are my fears that DMT will just be like shrooms on steroids and I'll find myself 20 minutes later in the middle of traffic having been screaming random nonsense?


You're going to get psychosis




dw man everyone reacts to it differently


I'm similar on hero doses of shrooms, on DMT, I just law there silently.


That is comforting to know.


if Joe Rogan can do an entire ass podcast on it, you can have the world anon ♥

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